Singular Stitches: December 2005

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Stitch Blogger Question

How do you balance your stitching time with your other obligations such as work, household chores, etc.?

I've been very lucky that I have the freedom to structure my life to give me more time to do the things that I truly love. My responsibilities are few on purpose so that in my non-work time, I can dedicate myself to whatever crafty pursuit I like.

And, really, all that dust will still be there tomorrow if I decide to put down the stitching and dust, and if there are no clean dishes, there's always take out...I can be exceedingly flexible! ;o)

Shipping Soon

Are there any more glorious words than 'Shipping Soon' when viewing your account?? (Of course, other than seeing 'Out for Delivery' when checking tracking, ...but, I digress)

I thought not.

After ripping apart as much of my house that I felt like, and still not having any success, I decided to just buy a new USB cable for my camera.

I fully expect to come across my old one once the new one arrives.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Happy Holidays!

We're happily recovering from an overabundance of turkey and the trimmings! I hope everone else had an absolutely fantastic holiday, too!

We had a lovely time visiting the families for the holidays! AND, I was able to sneak in some xstitch:
  • On Christmas Day, I worked on Santa of the Forest (I got a good part of the bear's face completed)
  • Today, I worked on Purrfect Pals (not all that much - I got most of the orange tabbly completed and the crows. We watched a foreign movie and had to put it down to keep up with the subtitles!)

Thursday, December 22, 2005

One Day at a Time

I've decided to do the systematic cross-stitching where you work on one project a day.

My list:

And, no. No cable yet! :o(

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Yes, we have no USB cable

I have a digital camera. It's been sitting around, unloved, drained, because I could not find the charger. Behold! I found the charger last week and now I have many pictures crammed on the memory card. Since they do not spontaneously jump from camera to computer, I need the USB cable.


How boring is a blog with no photos.

Please stay tuned. I am feverently searching!

Until then, I can offer these tidbits (close your eyes and imagine a picture after each):

1. I am knitting this Knitting Pure and Simple sweater using Lorna's Laces Shepherd Worsted in the Mother Lode colorway.

2. I am cross-stitching this from Bent Creek.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Happy Birthday!

Just put the Top Hat on and am ready to wander around the town...