Christmas Knitting in July
When I begin knitting a pair of Christmas Socks, I get the sensation that I'm in a little black bikini, jet skiing in the Arctic Ocean just off the coast of northern Greenland, with fine ice crystals spaying up and hitting my...
I've decided to try mind power to keep cool with the current hot, muggy and oppressive weather plaguing the Mid-Atlantic. I'm hoping that by imagining how nice and cold it will be outside when I present Dad with his yearly installment of hand knitted socks on Christmas Morning, it will make it feel like 32F instead of 92F. Yeah. We'll see.
I just don't like how any of the socks fit that I've knitted for myself. So, I've stopped making them for me. I've tried different patterns, adjusting those patterns, using different sized needles, etc, but I still don't like how they fit. They just feel wrong. Since I'm able to knit socks for my parents that fit them perfectly, they can benefit from my love of sock knitting.
Typically, I make Dad patriotic socks. He loves all things American Flag or some combination of red, white and blue. Part of the fun is hunting down yarn that fits the bill, but looks different from anything I've made him previously. This year, I found yarn, that by the colorway name alone, I've opted to briefly forgo patriotic.

The colorway is called Poison Ivy, and it's varying shades of green. It's just so perfect for my dad. Hard to explain, but if you knew him, you'd totally agree.
The pattern is from Knitting Vintage Socks. It's called Maddler Ribbed Socks, and is a simple (6X1X2) ribbed pattern, which is great to show off the variagated color way. You do notice, however, that I am using a patriotic row marker...
Well, the mind thing is just not working. I'm still too darn hot, but at least Dad will get a lovely pair of socks, even though right this minute, it's difficult to believe that it will ever cool off enough to need them!
I've decided to try mind power to keep cool with the current hot, muggy and oppressive weather plaguing the Mid-Atlantic. I'm hoping that by imagining how nice and cold it will be outside when I present Dad with his yearly installment of hand knitted socks on Christmas Morning, it will make it feel like 32F instead of 92F. Yeah. We'll see.
I just don't like how any of the socks fit that I've knitted for myself. So, I've stopped making them for me. I've tried different patterns, adjusting those patterns, using different sized needles, etc, but I still don't like how they fit. They just feel wrong. Since I'm able to knit socks for my parents that fit them perfectly, they can benefit from my love of sock knitting.
Typically, I make Dad patriotic socks. He loves all things American Flag or some combination of red, white and blue. Part of the fun is hunting down yarn that fits the bill, but looks different from anything I've made him previously. This year, I found yarn, that by the colorway name alone, I've opted to briefly forgo patriotic.
The colorway is called Poison Ivy, and it's varying shades of green. It's just so perfect for my dad. Hard to explain, but if you knew him, you'd totally agree.
The pattern is from Knitting Vintage Socks. It's called Maddler Ribbed Socks, and is a simple (6X1X2) ribbed pattern, which is great to show off the variagated color way. You do notice, however, that I am using a patriotic row marker...
Well, the mind thing is just not working. I'm still too darn hot, but at least Dad will get a lovely pair of socks, even though right this minute, it's difficult to believe that it will ever cool off enough to need them!
OOOH I like that pattern and the yarn!!! It's a nice guy color and yet not be boring abt it! LOL
Nice sock, I'm sure he'll appreciate it, and have fun when you tell him the name of the color. I've tried knitting socks, but finished one, started the second in the pair and somehow it's just stayed partway done for ages. One of these days I really need to get back to it.
Hi! It's Lisa from the library - haven't seen you in awhile! I peeked into Ravelry (haven't been there in awhile) and saw that you have a blog! The socks you are knitting for your dad are so nice - what a great gift. I love your cross stitching too. I have a snowman project that has been in my bag for far too long - seeing your work makes me think about digging it out again. I have to finish it because my son did some of the work on it because he wanted to help me. Take care!
Hi, Lisa! Nice to hear from you!! I'm picking up my blog from after a year or so off.
Stitcherw, Lynn ~ Thanks! They are fun and the yarn is wonderful to work with!
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