Singular Stitches: November 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

In the merry old land of Oz!

The Wizard of Oz was on TV last night, so I was looking for something mindless to knit. I've been wanting to make the Bristol Neck Warmer, so I pulled out some Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk, US#6 needles, and cast on.

It's a four stitch repeat across all 120 stitches, and you repeat every row, so it's easy to remember, especially while singing along with Judy Garland.

The yarn is doubled, so there's nice body to it. In the picture, I have about 2" done, so I only need about 3" more to finish. It's such soft yarn, and it's going to be very warm, so I'm really looking forward to getting this done as soon as possible. Next week we're going to have highs in the 30Fs (Snow!!! Yay! :o)

Earlier last night, I was catching up on Grey's Anatomy (how did I manage to get behind three episodes???), and was working on Mum's Noro Vneck Cardigan. I finished the second sleeve and all that's left is the front/neck band. I talked with Mum last night, and she only wants one button at the V, so that will make it even easier to complete.

See you in Oz, folks! (yes, different movie!)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Mr & Mrs DSis

DSis and her husband just passed their one week anniversary, but here are some pictures of the happy couple on their day!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Mum of the Bride Shawl

As I've mentioned in my last post (so long ago in September!), DSis and The-Guy-Formerly-Known-As-DBF-Then-DFiance-And-Now-DH-After-11amEST are running off to get married on November 5th (That's today!). I was asked to make a 'Mum of the Bride' shawl for my mum to wear to their reception later today.

For the last two months, I've ate, slept and breathed pink laceweight wool, knitting it up into a Swallowtail shawl. Mum wanted it larger, so I approximately doubled the pattern size (maybe a little more). It went quite well, with minimum error, and no major frogging!

The details:

Pattern: Swallowtail Shawl by Evelyn Clark (Interweave Knits Magazine)
Needles: Knit Picks Harmony Interchangeable Circulars, US#4 (Hated the join on these!) and Crystal Palace Bamboo DPN, US#0 (Used for the p5tog's of the nupps)
Yarn: Knit Picks Alpaca Cloud in Peppermint Twist (Used 1.5 skeins - very nice to work with)
Modifications: Increased the main pattern from 14 repeats to 24 repeats
Begun: September 1, 2008
Finished: November 1, 2008

Just off the needles:




Congrats to Mr & Mrs DSis!!!

Pictures to follow!