Keeping up the cuteness
I won't bemoan the weather. It's hot and miserable, and I'm trying to move on. Soon it will be September and it will be 'all good'. OK, done.
To fill the time until then, I've been busily knitting and stitching in the dark coolness of The Bat Cave (what my sister calls my house). Below are some updates. The kitties felt they had much to offer and took it upon themselves to help with improving the overall cuteness of my projects.
First up, the 'before' of my Batch of Pumpkins:

And the 'after' with a nice dose of cuteness, thanks to Abner:

Onto some knitting content. I finished the first and started the second of my Dad's Christmas socks. Here's Itchey to increase the cuteness quotient by at least 10X:

I thought it would be fun to join the over 4000 other knitters on Ravelry who are already making their very own Citron shawl. It's a half circle shawl with varying rows of increases and decreases to make rings of puckery knitting. I just started it last night, using a variagated yarn of mid to dark purples. The colors remind me of blueberries. Mmmmmm.

Abner wanted to help add to the overall cuteness of this project, but suddenly became enamored with the needles and decided they'd make a good chew toy. I didn't quite care for *that* kind of cuteness, so he was removed from the photo shoot.
To fill the time until then, I've been busily knitting and stitching in the dark coolness of The Bat Cave (what my sister calls my house). Below are some updates. The kitties felt they had much to offer and took it upon themselves to help with improving the overall cuteness of my projects.
First up, the 'before' of my Batch of Pumpkins:
And the 'after' with a nice dose of cuteness, thanks to Abner:
Onto some knitting content. I finished the first and started the second of my Dad's Christmas socks. Here's Itchey to increase the cuteness quotient by at least 10X:
I thought it would be fun to join the over 4000 other knitters on Ravelry who are already making their very own Citron shawl. It's a half circle shawl with varying rows of increases and decreases to make rings of puckery knitting. I just started it last night, using a variagated yarn of mid to dark purples. The colors remind me of blueberries. Mmmmmm.
Abner wanted to help add to the overall cuteness of this project, but suddenly became enamored with the needles and decided they'd make a good chew toy. I didn't quite care for *that* kind of cuteness, so he was removed from the photo shoot.