A little visitor...
...for the kitties. :o)

I've been a little travelling lass these past two weeks. I was in Austin last week and St. Louis the week before. Of course, going from 62F in Austin, catching two connecting flights, and coming back to 20F has thrown my sinuses into utter chaos, but otherwise, they were great trips. Unfortunately, I had little time to sightsee, but it was nice to have a change of scenery.
Would you believe that when I went through security at Pittsburgh International, they didn't question my two sets of circular needles, my extra emboirdery needles, or even my Gingher scissors (which could easily amputate a finger), but the way my car keys were lying in my bag looked funny and they had to pull them out and examine them. Go figure.
The flights were long enough to get some knitting and cross stitch done.
I was able to finish one of my 'colored popcorn' socks, and start the second....

Here's a closeup of the colors:

And I finished in a little more of the bottom left side of Fairy Flora...

I'm so happy to be home with DH and the kitties...
I've been a little travelling lass these past two weeks. I was in Austin last week and St. Louis the week before. Of course, going from 62F in Austin, catching two connecting flights, and coming back to 20F has thrown my sinuses into utter chaos, but otherwise, they were great trips. Unfortunately, I had little time to sightsee, but it was nice to have a change of scenery.
Would you believe that when I went through security at Pittsburgh International, they didn't question my two sets of circular needles, my extra emboirdery needles, or even my Gingher scissors (which could easily amputate a finger), but the way my car keys were lying in my bag looked funny and they had to pull them out and examine them. Go figure.
The flights were long enough to get some knitting and cross stitch done.
I was able to finish one of my 'colored popcorn' socks, and start the second....
Here's a closeup of the colors:
And I finished in a little more of the bottom left side of Fairy Flora...
I'm so happy to be home with DH and the kitties...