Not much, really. It's sad, I can't even remember what my last post was about. I've hardly cross stitched, either. Not intentional, that's just how it worked out.
I do have to finish up Vash's RR and get that off to her, too!I've been pleasure reading. I used to read a lot, but kind of got away from it in college. On
The Knitting Doctor's blog, I saw a link to the
2007 "To Be Read" Challenge, where each participant selects 12 books to read over the course of 2007. (Audio books count, too)
If you're interested, they're still taking members until the end of January.
Here's my list: (In no particular order…)
1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – J. K. Rowling
2. The Eyre Affair – Jasper FForde
3. The Mysteries of Udolpho – Anne Radcliffe
4. Thunderstruck – Erik Larson
5. Middlesex – Jeffrey Eugenides
6. Living Dead in Dallas – Charlaine Harris
7. Belladonna – Anne Bishop
8. Od Magic – Patricia McKillip
9. Natural Magick – Miria Liguana
10. The Spirited Walker – Carolyn Kortge
11. Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife – Linda Berdoll
12. Lady Chatterly’s Lover – D. H. Lawrence
I just finished #8 last night, Od Magic, which was *very* good. A great fantasy book with kings and wizards and travelling magicians.
I also started up a very simple, mindless knitting project, probably to counter all that lace knitting I did this fall. It's a lap throw for the family room. I'm using up some Homespun stash, in the Tudor colorway (cream, violet, turquoise, mauve and country blue), and really goes nicely with my chair. When complete, it wll probably be around 3'X5'.
(And the cats might acutally let me use it once in a while...)
The majority of my Christmas gifts were handmade this past holiday. After finishing up the knitted gifts, I went to start on my sewn gifts. This was maybe four days before Christmas, but it's quick sewing, so I had plenty of time. *sigh* To make life so much more...interesting, my sewing machine decided to be sick. So, I tearfully called my parents and told my Dad that he would get his Christmas gifts after the holidays after I took my sewing machine to the dealer. (He totally understood)
I've had my machine for about 13 years now, and even though it picked a very inopportune moment to not work, it's the first time I ever had any problems with it. The repair bill damage wasn't bad, and now it has it's lovely purr back.

And here he is with his (relatively new) brother, my serger:

I want to sew more. I've done a little utilitarian sewing, and made some running pants for my Dad, but not regularly for myself like I used to. I've found some great sewing blogs (it all started with
Isabelle's) that have been motivating me to pick it up again.
Oh, yeah, I just realized that back on December 18th, it was my one year Blogaversary. My, how time flies when you're having fun!! :o)