Singular Stitches: August 2008

Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Chevron Scarf of My Very Own!

Well, it's not quite a fully grown scarf...yet.

I've been coveting all the gorgeous Chevron scarves I've seen on Ravelry. I finally decided to start my very own. I've had two skeins of Koigu KPPPM for ages. They're two different colors. I have no idea why I bought two single skeins of two different colors. Maybe I was clairvoyant and just knew, that some time in the future, a pattern like The Chevron Scarf would come along and I could use up those two single skeins of Koigu. Yeah, right.

When I finally pulled out those two skeins out to start my scarf, I didn't think they'd make a good Chevron scarf. The colorways were too similar. So, last night, at Knit One North's first Ladies' Knit Night Out (which was very fun!), with the kind help of Dawn, I was able to find another colorway to go with one of the skeins I already had. It's a beautiful pumpkin, gold, and coral mix (it's the skein on the right, below). The result is a really pretty Autumn colorway.

Thanks, Dawn!!

I also completed another pair of socks. They're just plain socks, using some skeins of Regia I had in my stash. Itchey approves.

And here's Itchey, enjoying the breeze coming in the front door. August, which is usually 3H weather here (hazy, hot and humid), has been absolutely gorgeous, and very much like September weather.

I can just imagine what the neighbors think we do to the cats. Just before I snapped this picture, she was on her back with her paws up in the air. She looked like rigor mortis had set in!

Today, DH and I got together with my parents, DSis and her DBF to celebrate my Mum, DSis, and my August birthdays. We all met for lunch and exchanged gifts. DSis and I both pulled out Sephora bags for each other, because we both got each other Sephora gift cards! (great minds think alike!) It was really funny, because the GCs come in a little black mirrored compact, and we both thought how cool they were as we were wrapping our gifts for the other. Now we each have one!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Knit One North

Fellow knitters, we finally have a knitting store up in the northern far reaches of Pittsburgh. Woo hoo! Knit One (North) has finally opened!

I managed to trick DH into making a pilgrimage trip on the way back from picking up kitty food at the vet. The store is just as happily painted as the one in Squirrel Hill. There's lots of great nooks and crannies for yarn to be stashed, and plenty of room, so you're not climbing over other people to see the yarn. I got to meet Stacey (proprietress), and Caroline (manager) and two other ladies who will be working there (unfortunately, I didn't catch their names). They were so nice!

Of course, I couldn't leave empty-handed, so I picked up the cutest pattern for an enclosed kitty bed, called (aptly!) Cat Cuddler by Gooseberry Designs. For this project, I selected Cascase 220 (Color #9539), which is a brand-spanking new tweed colorway with dark brown, tan, light gray and dark gray (all colors that coordinate nicely with both of my kitties).

I've also almost finished Mum's Kitchen Hand Towel. This has been such a fun knit!

And finally, after knitting about 5" of the bottom ribbing, I realized I was doing it wrong. I made all the ribs cables, so, after about 5" I ripped them out and started again. I took a look at some of the other finished Mr. Greenjeans, and saw one where the knitter made the bottom with just plain 4X2 ribbing, without any cables, which I really liked, so that's what I'm doing:

And, here is Abner, on the arm of my cushy chair, feverishly helping me blog this afternoon...