Singular Stitches: The Afghan

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Afghan

Here's the afghan:

Yarn: Lion Brand Yarn Homespun (Tudor colorway, 7 skeins)
Needles: US#9 Circular
I'm 5'3", so it's just about 5' long and about 3' wide, and very comfy!!

The pale stripes in the center were totally by accident (but if anyone asks, it was all part of the design plan :o). It just happened to be an oddly colored skein of yarn.

Needless to say, the kitties love it! So much so, that Abner felt it worthy of one of his hairballs. So, as I type this, the afghan has had it's first bath and is hanging to dry...

While on the subject of the kitties, we had LOADS of fun taking them to the vet this weekend for their annual check up. Since it's been so cold, DH went down to start the truck and run the heat, and I was left to round up the critters and deposit them in their carriers. (I really think DH planned it that way all along)

As soon as they saw me bring down the carriers, they ran upstairs and hid. (Note to self: Next year, close all upstairs doors before bringing the carriers down) Wow, can they hide! After working up a good sweat on the search and 'rescue' mission, both cats were loaded in the truck, singing us tunes (of love, I'm sure).

We always give the vet the choice: the easy one (Itchey) or the hard one (Abner) first? Itchey won, and when we took her out of the carrier, we found that she must have been so traumatized by the whole affair that she went in the carrier. I had to wash her off in the examining room sink before we could proceed. Other than that, Itchey is very accomodating and typically resembles a limp rag.

Onto Abner. He's not aggressive and has never bitten a vet, but he pretty much hisses and growls the entire time and will squirm. I held onto him and scratched his head (so in between hisses and growls, he'd briefly purr. Go figure).

The sad thing was a comment the vet made about him. She noticed while looking at his eyes that a slight film has begun to start on the edges. It's not cataracts, and it won't affect his vision, just a natural sign of aging. The kitties (my kittens) will be turning 11 this year and this is the first time they've showed signs of aging. My babies are growing up (in human years, they're 60), and there's physical evidence that they won't be around forever.

I guess the reason this has bothered me so much is that a coworker had to put her kitty down Friday evening. He just turned 18, and in a recent picture of him, he really looked no more than 10. Unfortunately, his kidneys stopped functioning and he went down hill very quickly. He was as special to her family as our kitties are to us.

Not trying to be down, the rest of the weekend was spent pampering the Puddies with even more attention, kisses, scratches and pets, cherishing their presence in our lives... :o)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How nice of Abner to christen the afghan! It turned out really nice. :)

As an overly-anxious furmommy, I'm continually worried about how long our beloved Pomeranian will be around. She's only 8, but I worry about her choking on a bone, hurting herself, etc. *sigh* Those little furbabies sure wriggle deep into your heart, don't they?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 12:22:00 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Beautiful afghan! Aren't those trips to the vet an adventure!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007 4:07:00 PM  
Blogger Leslie aka zoeandcooper said...

What a lovely afghan! That yarn makes such perfect blankets. Allen keeps taking the one I made from it!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007 10:43:00 PM  
Blogger Carto said...

Ah the joys of cat ownership - there's nothing like a hairball to well and truly christen something new. I got one on a brand new pair of jeans that I managed to leave on top of a pile of freshly laundered clothes in the ironing basket the other week.

I know what you mean about our Cat babies and how much they mean to us. It's very sad to hear news like that and it does make you think. Fudge is my baby too, and I don't really know how I would have got through the last 8 months without him. My family and close friends have also helped me through, but in the dead of night when I couldn't stop stop crying, it was reassuring to feel a paw on my face with no claws - it was as if he was saying 'Don't cry Mummy, I'm here!' Yay for puddy tats!

Friday, February 23, 2007 4:29:00 PM  

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