Singular Stitches: January 2008

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

200 Already??

As I was going through the process to create this post, I saw that this was Post 200! How time flies when you're having fun!

Thank You! to everyone who stops by to see what goofy things I manage to get up to. You're the best part and make getting to post 200 very enjoyable!

Here's my latest picture of Flora. The part I just stitched is the really dark teal and rose on the far left side, around Flora's knee:

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Now my poor father doesn't have to hop

They say haste makes waste, and I'm living proof. After discovering the stitch shortage on my Dad's 2nd sock, I hastily got it restarted and, of course, in my rush, made some mistakes (nothing as big as the previous one) that caused me to rip out and reknit.

So *finally*, here are my father's completed Christmas socks:

And the other side:

That's the fun of hand painted yarn, you just never know exactly how the colors will arrange themselves. I bought both skeins at the same time, but they look totally different.

For the non-knitters out there, those sections of the same color, like the white secions, and that big red and white stripped secion - that's called pooling.

These were finished while watching Stardust. It was a wonderfully-magical-fairy-tale-and-of-course-you-will-need-some-tissues-for-the-ending movie. Robert DiNero's character was very amusing. I highly recomment it.

Now that these are done, I felt the need to start not one, but two new projects:

1. A scarf for DSis. She likes animal print so I started this scarf:

It's Caron Jewel Box in the Deep Jasper colorway. I'm using a ChicKnits Buttonhole Chic scarf pattern on US#9 needles. about 7" up, there is an opening knit into the scarf so the other end of the scarf can feed through, and the ends cross over.

2. Socks for me! I just love the 2-circ method of knitting socks, so I'm making another pair, this time, I want to learn the Short Row Heel mothod (the way the heel is made on store bought socks). I'm using these instructions from Cosmic Pluto's blog for the heel. Otherwise, it's just a plain top-down sock.

The colorway of the yarn intrigues me. For those of you old enough to remember non-microwave popcorn, there was a jar of corn you could buy that was all colorful. The popped part would still be off-white (I remember being so bummed that it wasn't the color of the kernel), but the kernel attached would be some pretty color. The colors of this yarn remind me of a jar of that corn.

And, would you guess who jumped out of my Xstitch basket and demanded some stitching time? None other than Fairy Flora!

Indeed! It was like meeting up with a dear old friend. *sniff* I thought I took an updated picture, but it doesn't appear so. I started stitching on the turquoise part on the left by her knee. It was a darker color (924) below what's there. I'll try to get a more updated picture soon.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


I'm not one to make resolutions. They're too much like rules, and once I make them, they confine me, and I immediately want to defy them.

But, I am going to make an effort to post more. So here you go. ;o)

I took a little time off from Dad's sock to make DH a new pair of slippers. He wears a size 15 shoe, and it's always hard to find him slippers, so I usually knit them for him. This time, I tried using something a little more densely knitted so hopefully they'll last a bit longer.

These were a very fast knit (only took me two days) using Paton's Rumor on US#8 circular needles.

And here's DH modeling his new footsies:

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy 2008!

We rung in 2008 at Dave & Busters with my sister and her boyfriend. Normally, DH and I are asleep (at least I am) by about 10pm on New Year's Eve, but it sounded like such fun, and we had a fabulous time! I don't normally like video games, but I've always had fun watching DH play. (and I did play a little) We also made sure we played some pool. Though I play very poorly, I always love playing! I didn't even have any stray balls jump off the table!

Me and DH (and that's an IBC rootbeer bottle you see!):

DSis and her boyfriend:

And I even have some finished project news! The second skein for my sister's mitts came in the mail a couple days ago, so I was able to finish her mitts, and I think it's safe to say that she's happy with them.

Happy New Year, everyone! May all your wildest dreams come true in 2008! *HUG*