What do you do when you can't sleep at 4am? French knots. And lots of them! They were worth it, because it means that Purr-Pals is now a Happy Dance! (And, of course, I had to work around two kitties who decided that I needed some company). And, yes, notice that
real kitty fur made it into the stitched kitties.

After all those French knots, I went back to bed! :o)
It's quite convenient, that DH's birthday and my parents' wedding anniversary are on the same day, because I can remember two events with one day! To celebrate, we had a small family gathering at our house this weekend. Me, DH, my parents, my sister and her boyfriend. BTW, it was their
50th anniversary. It's well known that the majority of the guests at this shindig like a piece of cake with a rose. I make sure that everyone had at least one rose...

I love giving the cake decorator a good challenge. Over the years, they've done a basket (the side of the cake) filled with flowers (the top), a birthday cake for Mum of a 3D slot machine with coins coming out, and a birthday cake for DH with a rocket and planets.
The kitties greeted the guests from the comfort of the steps...

They love my Mum, even Itchey who is very particular about with whom she socializes. We think it's because both me and my Mum are the cat people of the family. She and I have similar touch and way with the kitties, that, aside from our scents, our interaction with the kitties are almost exactly the same.
Dad brought me a present, too! Since he's been retired, he loves to do little woodworking projects. He used to do full-blown woodworking when he was younger. When my parents first bought their house (back in the mid-70's), my Mum picked out all of her dining room furniture out of a Pennsylvania House catty and he drew up the plans and made it for her, as well as our kitchen table, both me and my sister's bedroom sets and various little things here and there over the years.
When I invite friends over to knit or cross stitch, I love to serve tea and sweet treats, so he made me this:

When I moved out of their house into my first apartment, I showed him a picture from a Yield House catalog (awesome country stuff!) and he made me this:

Typically, I like to keep this blog focused on my needlework pursuits (with some kitties thrown in for good measure), but I guess having the family out at the house this weekend got me in the nostalgic frame of mind. Hope you don't mind me sharing. :o)