A stitch here and a stitch there...
I have been doing mindless knitting, which are projects that have parts that you can just go with.
I finished knitting the second multi-color anklet over Memorial Day holiday (the very end of May for my non-US readers), but just finished up the toe part this morning, so they're a complete set.
The pink anklet was also completed this morning, and I'll be casting on it's partner later today. I call these the Silly String socks, because the yarn looks exactly like Silly String.
The top sock (the purple-y one with the needles still attached) is the one I mucked up a while back. I still haven't gotten up the courage to tackle it yet, but I'll be working towards that one soon.
Abner helped.
I started up my Mum's birthday present earlier this week (her birthday is mid-August). It's a round neck, long sleeved, raglan cardigan in a wonderful Autumny-brown. I'm using a slightly smaller needle size than what's called for because I want it to be a warmer, jacket sweater.
What you're looking at in the above picture is the round neckline and shoulders I've completed so far. (It looks bunchy because I'm not using a long circular needle)
Here's the pattern I'm using:
What's really cool about Knitting Pure and Simple patterns is that you make the garmet in one piece, and don't have to piece together different parts at the end. This makes it a pretty quick knit. Once the body is complete, then I'll knit on the neck band and front ribbing and then sew on buttons.
Before you think I'm all sweet and a totally wonderful daughter (I am, but in this case, there's a little caveat :o), I started a sweater for her maybe three years ago, and it was meant to be a birthday gift for her in 2004, but it gave me such fits (the diagonally knitted pieces) that she never got the sweater, so I've decided to just forget that one for now and actually make her one she might actually get to wear in her life time. :o)
I'll finish off with a kitty pic from earlier this morning. Cats always know where to get the sun.: