Singular Stitches: November 2007

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I think they're soaring

I made the switch from DPNs to two circular needles on Dad's socks. At first, this method was a little cumbersome, and uncomfortable to hold. At one point, I managed to pull a bunch of stitches off one of the needles. So I spent Friday lunch fixing them. No progress there.

But, I stuck with it, and it's gotten easier, and actually to the point where I've noticed some real progress:

From about the end of October through some time in March, we put up heavy drapes in the entry to the doorways of the family room and kitchen. This really keeps out the cold from the chilly entry way. (and hides any dirty dishes that might be on the kitchen counters from anyone at my front door :o) We use spring rods to keep them up. While not my first choice in design, I was impressed that I was able to find something that somewhat coordinates (and isn't totally hideous) in the clearance section of Bed Bath & Beyond. They're great because they're a little too long and wide, so it makes a good seal around the doorway.

And, every year, when the kitties see us getting out the drapes and rods, they get all excited. I'm not exactly sure why this is such a treat for them, but they love walking through the doorways where we've hung the drapes. They take extra laps around the downstairs just so they can walk through them. Being the picture adjuster I am, I am forever straightening them because once the cats walk through, it leaves a little opening, which kind of defeats the purpose of closing off the doorway. Maybe once each year, they'll accidentally pull one down, while in hot pursuit of one another.

I caught one of the culprits this morning staring out at me (and looking oh so innocent) from the familyroom doorway:

Friday, November 09, 2007

A foot

Last night during Grey's Anatomy, I finally finished the first of Mum's Christmas socks. I was starting to get nervous, because I came very, very close to the end of the skein, but finished it up without incident.

Here's a closeup of the pattern. It's a 4X2 rib for about 7 rows and then it shifts for about 9 rows and then another (offset) 4X2 rib. Rinse and repeat.

My dad's sock is on US#0 DPNs which, for me, are very slow to knit with. (Kind of like stitching on 25 ct evenweave over one) You stitch and stitch and stitch and even after a few hours, it still looks like you didn't do anything. So, as we're getting awfully close to rug cutting time, I'm switching tactics.

I've heard good things about knitting socks using two circular needles, that it's very fast. I've also heard of Magic Loop (and I even bought the book to check it out), but that just doesn't appeal to me. On my doorstep yesterday, my two US#0 24" Addi Turbo circs arrived from I had the Cat Bordi book from a number of years ago, so today at lunch, I'm going to see if my 'Socks Soar' too. :o)

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Update pics

Sorry, but this will be a very short post. I've got a nasty sinus headache today. I call it the Smashed Face headache, because it feels like someone used a sledgehammer on my facial bones. A couple months ago, I started going to the chiropractor to help with my sinuses. It's been a great success, but the one thing we're still trying to determine is how often I'll need to go to keep the pain at bay. This is my first bad headache since going (it's been almost a month since my last apt), and it's typically worse in the Spring and Autumn, when the weather is in such a state of change.

I promised some update pics, and here they are. The first is Mum's sock. I worked on Dad's sock yesterday while DH and I finished up the Duchess of Duke Street series (all gone :o( ).

And here is my Batch of Pumpkins:

Friday, November 02, 2007

My monthly update...and I do have some progress!

It's now November and the cold-sweat realization that I have to put more time into my Christmas presents than just during lunch is beginning to settle in.

Here's the latest progress on Dad's sock. (You'd think I was reproducing the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in knit by how long it's taken me on this sock! (I'm still on the first sock! - you can stop laughing now. Really.)

With some luck, I'll get both done and the poor man won't have to hop!

I will try to post a picture of my Mum's sock soon. You could just look at the picture of Dad's sock, and imagine the colors are black, gold, white and grey.

And while I don't have a new picture, I've been knitting a bit on MIL's scarf. Here's an old picture. The update is really the same, just longer. With some luck, she might get this before the Spring thaw.

And 'lo and behold, I've picked up my cross stitch!

...I'll give you a minute to pick yourself back up off the floor...

Yes, DH and I have been watching the English series 'To the Manor Born' (very 70's, but funny), and I was looking for something to do while watching and just happened to pick up my Batch of Pumpkins.

I've finished filling in all of the icons on each pumpkin, and have started filling in the orange. I have the top one done and am about 1/2 way through filling in the second pumpkin down.

I can feel that pull of blogging starting up again, so who knows, you might not have to wait until December for another post! :o)