Singular Stitches: May 2006

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

One Busy Weekend!

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend, and those celebrating Memorial Day Weekend, a lovely one of those, too! :o) As I enjoyed my time off, I made a conscious effort to be thankful of those who made it possible that I could spend it exactly as I did.

Over in SingularStitches Land, it was a busy holiday, but satisfyingly so.

Thursday Evening - DH and I left a couple hours early from work for a dinner and movie date. We saw The Da Vinci Code, which was really good. I listened to the book on CD a while back and it was similar to how I envisioned it, though I kept getting it mixed up with the Angels and Demons story line.

Friday - I took a vacation day!
In the morning, I curled up in the Ladies' Parlour with the kitties, some really good organic coffee and xstitched to classical music. I've never tried organic coffee before, but the one I picked up is really, really good. (but rather pricey) The brand is Caffe Sonora (Breakfast Blend flavor) and it's from the "Organic" section of our local grocery store. I look at it as an investment in Mother Earth.

DH was envious of my lounging about at home with the kitties, so he snuck out at lunch time and we spent the afternoon finishing up watching the second season of At Home with the Braithwaites and I stitched some more!

Over the course of the weekend, I was able to get to within a few stitches left of DMC #371 (the grass) to totally finish my RR piece!


Saturday - we got a lot of landscaping projects done. We (read: I) put a 21" ring of mulch around a tree in our front yard. (DH helped by transporting the sod and dirt to the back yard in the wheel barrow) I know it's 21" exactly, because being the engineering nerd that I am, I used a tape measure as I went around to make sure it was exactly 21". I was down on my hands and knees with a hand shovel filleting the grass because we wanted to use it for a bare spot in the back yard. Every so often, I'd come across a big white grub and was a number of local birds' best friend because I'd pick it up with the shovel and flick it into the street and then a bird would swoop down and get a gourmet treat (if you like that sort of thing). Also, I put a 9" mulch ring around the light post, and some mulch around the Black Eyed Susans I have around the mail box post.


From the right of our front porch, there is a slope down to the driveway. The original owners apparently loved landscaping, because it's three rows deep of bushes. A row of three Azalea bushes in the back closest to the house, then some red leafed, thorny bush (but very pretty) and a tree (all I know is that it gets little white flowers in the Spring, then waxy leaves and provides some privacy to the window in Ladies' Parlour), and then a row of four bushy green bushes along the grass line.

The problem is that at the bottom of this hill, along the driveway and the corner of the house, there is a bare area (with all I've listed, could there actually be an area bare of foliage??? ;o). When it rains, there is nothing to hold the soil, so it overflows out onto the driveway. I'm not a green thumb, so I try to use plants that are nearly impossible to kill. I bought three bunches of really pretty decorative grass and five small bunches of Black Eyed Susans. I still have to do some weeding, but wanted to at least get the plants in the ground.

New Plants

DH also took "Margaret" (his name for the De-Thatcher attachment - that saucy minx) out for a spin behind the riding mower.

I was very painfully reminded of how muscles will vehemently protest when used more than they are used to. The muscles from the backs of my knees up to and including my bottom hurt. Saturday night, I was lying in bed and thought I might have w-a-y over-exerted myself, because I had pain down my left arm, until I realized that, since I'm left handed, the muscles in my left arm were also protesting! Doh! (Please feel free to laugh too! :o)

Sunday was spent at my parents' home with Mum, Dad, DH, my sister, her boyfriend, 3 cats and a ferret. The boyfriend, cats and ferret are my sister's. The cats and ferret also live at my parents' house with my sister and parents. (The boyfriend has his own apartment) We tend to celebrate holidays on days that are convenient for us, so a Sunday Memorial Day picnic it was! Mum spoiled us with lots of good food (as usual!). It was so fun to get together with everyone!

Monday was a day of organization. When I began cross stitching back in the late '80s, I kept my floss on plastic bobbins in divided craft keepers. When I got away from cross stitching in the early 2000's, I gave them to my Mum. Now that I'm back into it, I just can't ask for them back, because she uses the floss and it would be rude. So, off to JoAnn Fabrics I went at 9am, 10% Off Entire Purchase coupon in hand. All of their craft organizers were 40% off (Amazing! I never time things like that right!) I also picked up a bunch of plastic bobbins and a floss winder. From about 1pm 'till dinner time around 5pm, I gathered all of my floss that were already on bobbins and began winding colors that I didn't have on a bobbin and then put them all in numerical order in the organizers. My main motivation for this was to avoid that big pile of duplicates you see in the background.


Monday Evening, we watched a little of Rex the Runt (funny claymation but NOT for children) and I did do some patriotic stitching on my Summer Medley.


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Kitten Clutches, Cross Stitch Updates and a Happy Dance

The camera and my cross-stitch and other such things I cannot go through the day at work without just wouldn't fit in the kitten clutch, but you do get the promised cross stitch updates. (See, I think of you all over my own ease and comfort! :o)

Nevermind that DH is an absolute sweetheart and drops me off right at the entrance every monrning...and picks me up right at the door at the end of the day, too. Awwwwww! :o)

The first is my (oh, so close) Happy Dance. Like 'Hats off to Halloween' (oh, no, I'll be singing this all day now!), this falls into the "Something I Started And Almost Finished Ages Ago That I Just Found Again And Only Need To Do A Wee Bit Of Stitching To Complete" category.


I made the door hanger on the left for our guest bathroom just before we closed on our house in late June, 2000. (Cross-Eyed Cricket Bed & Bath I) It's basically for my MIL because when she comes to visit, the guest bathroom is all hers. It's perfect because she loves to read, and I also made the hair in her likeness.

There's a story here, too. She is blonde, but nowhere near the color I used on the pillow. However, there's a childhood joke between DH and his sister that right after she washes her hair, which is short, and towel dries it, the back resembles Woodstock - of Snoopy fame - which is why I used the bright yellow for the hair

That was such a fun design that I also picked up Bed & Bath II for our master bath. It's really cool because the checkered tub matches the tiles in the bathroom, which are mostly white tiles with a hunter green marbly tile thrown in here and there for good measure. I'm planning to paint the bathroom a soft moss green this summer and use purple as an accent color, so this will be perfect for above the tub. (unfortunately, I do not have a claw foot tub) I think I'll finish it like the oval framed model at the link, in a deep cherry frame to match the woodwork, but with no mat.

Note: Since taking the picture before leaving for work, I finished the rubber ducky's beak and the French knot for his eye, so, other than for my initials, I believe the piece is completed. Woo Hoo!

Next up is the progress on my RR. I just love those pumpkins. Autumn is my absolute favorite season.


And lastly, I've wanted to have some small pieces going, so I'm working on Lizzie Kate's Meow Blocks Flip-It. I'll probably finish this up into a little pillow with a ribbon hanger to hang it, though not sure if I'll hang it at home or work. Decisions, decisions. :o)


Of course, it's in Itchey's likeness. After I finish this one, I have an Abner-like project to start! :o)

Monday, May 22, 2006

Moving in...

This is a non-stitching post, but one I must make.

Is it me, or do any of you, when you set off for work each day (particularly Mondays), not only feel, but look like you're moving into your cubicle at work? The picture below is what I carried to work this morning. I am so envious of those ladies who just zip off to work with one of those cute little kitten clutches, no tote bags, no grocery bags, nothing. I'm afraid to even wear high heeled shoes on these days, because I might tip over or get stuck when the heels sink from the extra weight.

I went to Costco and got one of those mammoth drums of Jif peanut butter (this is the communal vat, for our whole department to share), I have my breakfast (that I didn't have time to eat before leaving home, my lunch (must-go's) and snacks, a box of tea (I ran out at work), my stitching (and of course I forgot the project I worked on this weekend that I wanted to photograph for my blog today, a pair of socks in progress in case I wanted to knit on the ride into work (too tired after lugging all thing stuff to the truck), a book on CD I want to listen to while at work today (all 17 CDs), and all the cables/chargers for my various electronic devices (phone, camera, palm). And, my coupon organizer (because you never know when you're going to stop at the store on the way home) Is that it? It's a good thing I forgot to set the timer on the coffee pot, or I would have had my Starbuck's travel mug to carry too! :o)

No wonder I try to avoid any human contact on the way to my desk. I'm so totally out of breath after walking from my car and up the steps that I couldn't hold a conversation if I wanted to!


So, tomorrow, if I can fit my camera into my kitten clutch, I'll post a picture of some cross stitch! :o)

Friday, May 19, 2006

Modified Rotation

I've been thinking about my stitching rotation. I like the idea of following one because it keeps the interest high and I'm not working on dozens of different projects. The issue I'm running into is that since it's a daily rotation I'm (trying) to follow, I find that I'm into a project that I just want to continue working on it, and not move to another project. Also, the daily change makes switching to a more involved piece, like the Harvest Sampler, takes time to get back into it, and so I don't accomplish much in an evening. So, I think I'm going to expand my rotation time. I'll keep the rotation list, and continue to work on a piece until I feel like moving onto the next one on the list. We'll see how it goes.

We're currently into the BBC mini-series (something to stitch while watching!) Edward & Mrs. Simpson. It's about King Edward who abdicated his throne to marry a divorced American woman. Oh, how I love watching period series from the '20s-'40's. Everyone was always so dressed! Ladies' fashions back then just make me swoon!

I took the picture below this morning of the kitties curled up on the couch in the family room (I actually crocheted that afghan for DH a few years ago). Their hardest decision today will be which position to sleep! DH and I so want their jobs! Where do I send my resume??


Have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Yes, I'm actually still around...

Holey moley! It's been almost 10 days since my last post. My, how time flies!

Things have been quiet around here (and not much to report!). We've had a lot of rainy days recently (nothing like the rain they've received in New England!). Enough cool, damp weather to make me all achey (particularly the fingers), so any stitching I've done has been really slow going.

Here is actual proof that I have been stitching:


This is the beginnings of my RR (that will officially begin in July). Autumn is my favorite season, so I decided to complete my part (Autumn Sampler) first before sending it off. It's on #25 Mushroom Lugana (REAL Lugana). It's a bit stiff, so over the course of stitching, I've stuck my right middle finger enough with the needle (I'm left handed, BTW) that I have been using a thimble, which has made my stitching even slower. (I knew there was a reason why I prefer Jobelan over Lugana!)

I've also been doing a little work on Meow Blocks Flip-It and Love my Cat which look suspiciously like my kitties! I just can't resist! :o)

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Oh Boy!!

I just received a lovely package from Leslie of Leslie's Cross Stitch Heaven for the Beginner's Exchange.

First of all, her package of goodies was wrapped in the prettiest butterfly tissue paper, secured with a butterfly sticker. I almost didn't want to open it!

But I did. :o)

Inside was a beautiful stitched flower welcome! I'm sorry, but I don't know what the finishing technique is, except that it's just totally cool, and I must find out how to do it, and what the stiff material is inside. (sorry, that's the engineer in me, I like to know how things are made/work - but I'm not taking this apart!) If that wasn't enough, she also included a note on a butterfly notecard, two skeins of silk mori thread, a piece of mint lugana (the good stuff - she must have seen my rant on cheap imitation DMC lungana a few posts before! :o), and a Lizzie Kate design with the coordinating brass charms. I don't remember ever posting about this particular LK design, but I've been looking at it every time I browse online stores, but just never actually got around to buying it. I even considered this as my design for a RR that I'll be participating in. Cool beans! Guess who'll be starting up a new project this weekend!

Leslie, thank you! And your timing couldn't have been any better. I had a really stessful Monday at work, and I came home to see a package the Mail Lady put inside our storm door. How fun to come home to such a lovely package!!!


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Let's take a trip to Snapperville

The ride to Snapperville was lovely. The weather was beautiful. It was sunny with a warm breeze that lazily carried little santa clauses and the scent of wildflowers.

The first field we came across had animals practicing their acrobatic routine for the next Cirque du Soleil show. The cow and sheep were hard at work perfecting their act, but the rooster was no where to be found. Probably in the hen house trying to impress the hens with stories of how he served in the Perdue-Tyson wars back in '88.

Driving further, we find that a barn is being raised, and soon a retired race horse (who happened to win the Snapperville Derby in '01 and '03) will be taking up residence.

The next lot is the latest completion in Snapperville, and has a lovely new two story home with all the ammenities, inlcuding scratching posts and catnip dispensers. The landscaping was just recently added. Gray Kitty is sitting outside, surveying his lovely manor. He meows his hellow and asks that Itchey and Abner come by soon for a visit.

The downtown portion of Snapperville is still in its planning stage. Part of City Council has not been present at the last meetings since three of the members are involved in 'That Darn Travelling Circus'. Did you ever hear of a City Council ever getting along? But, they are all very interested in making Snapperville a lovely place to call home, so soon all will be resolved and the building will begin.

I hope you've enjoyed your trip through Snapperville...


Back at home, I pulled out a piece I started a long time ago (maybe 2000 or 2001?). There wasn't much to finish, so I worked on that yesterday and actually have a Happy Dance to report. Notice the little Itchey cat hiding behind the one hat? When I would work on this, I couldn't get the phrase 'Hats off to Halloween' (to the tune of 'Hooray for Hollywood') out of my mind for hours afterward. Because of this post, it will probably be running through my head for a while today.

It's a Lizzie Kate design, done on some tweedy cream evenweave, and with Sampler Threads from The Gentle Art. I'm still not sure how I'm going to finish it yet.


I also received some stash enhancement in the mail from 1-2-3 Stitch. I'm participating in one of Renee's Open Theme Round Robins (Yay Group 3!!!). I decided on a four seasons theme, and am going to use the four Lizzie Kate Snippet Samplers series: Winter, Spring, Autumn and Summer. While picking those up, I did a little extra shopping too! :o)


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Catnip Kegger Party (Picture Heavy)

For Abner's Birthday, he and Itchey were treated to a can of soft food. It was good vintage, as Abner was quite pleased with the scent of the can lid.

Unfortunately (and I'm not sure why),the restaurant we do Chinese takeout from does not serve sushi on Mondays, so tonight will be his real birthday dinner, with a piece of salmon. And one for Itchey, too. (The owner of the Chinese restaurant was not impressed that I share my sushi with the cats - I thought it was a compliment to their high quality that I do share, but that's just me)

After dinner and light bathing, things really got rolling with a Catnip Kegger Party. Yup, we cracked open the b-i-g tub of catnip (the primo stuff) and let things get totally out of hand.

Here are some highlights from

Digging in with relish...

Wee! Let's get it deep into Mummy's carpet...

Itchey can't find a lampshade, but the lid will do nicely...

Rest #1...


Back for another hit...

Roll me in designer catnip, I'll never get enough...

Good 'nip, man...

Abner from Itchey's perspective...

Itchey from Abner's perspective...

Worn out...

Quick! Somebody get a mirror...

All good things must end...

And I almost forgot, in the wee morning hours today, I worked on the Harvest Sampler. I did the specialty row below the alphabet which was a Barrier Stitch and most of the one under that, called the Long Arm Cross Stitch. I also did a wee bit on the top right border.


Monday, May 01, 2006

Happy Birthday, Abner!

Today is Abbie's 10th birthday!

It's hard to believe that 9 1/2 years ago Abner was the little runt on the right.


The picture was taken shortly after they joined our family, just before Thanksgiving 1996, when Abner was 6 mo and Itchey was 5 mo old. This is their first Kitty Condo, and now Abner would be oozing off that perch.

The above is a picture of the picture I keep in my Franklin Planner at work...

This is Halloween! This is Halloween!

Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
In this town we call home
Everyone hail to the pumpkin song!

From Nightmare Before Christmas

I began this project over the weekend...

Is it just me or does the pumpkin look like the Abominable Snowman from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer?


I plan to make this into a bellpull for the entry. I'm using 25 ct. DMC evenweave fabric for this. I got it at JoAnn Fabrics. It was a 20"X27" piece and I used a 50% coupon, so that for each of the four Medley bellpulls I plan to make, the fabric for each bellpull ends up being about $1.00. I'm not too crazy with the quality of it. It splits easily, and I've had to unstitch some stitches already. It can also be stretched out of shape without a lot of effort (it's not a tight weave) and it has a dishrag cottony feel, not a smooth feel. I guess I was expecting fabric similar to Lugana. IMHO, I wouldn't use it for an important project (if you're planning to make one of the Cross Stitch and Country Crafts stockings, DO NOT use this fabric - buy 'real' Lugana from a cross stitch shop).

And, yes, I'm not sure how I managed it, but I was WAY off centering the design on the fabric. I had cut the fabric much wider than I needed so I would have some fabric to hold onto (since the design is so narrow), so it won't affect the finishing. (What will all the other engineers think now? *hangs head in shame* )

Also, all the stitching (and backstitching!) on my Beginner's Exchange piece is complete!

Take two steps back from your computer and dance about for a couple of seconds...OK, you may proceed in an organized manner back to your computer.

My plan was to finish the stitching Friday evening, but didn't complete the last back stitch until Sunday morning. I will do all the finishing tomorrow evening.

We watched the newest version of Pride & Prejudice Saturday evening (which is probably why I didn't complete the exchange piece). I just didn't care for this version. At all. If you love the book, I think you'll find this version too watered down. They way they had the actors portray the characters did not do them justice (both the characters and actors). I was really looking forward to see how Judi Dench played Lady Cathering de Bourgh, paticularly the scene at the end where she faces off with Lizzie. Since other characters were so off, I don't think it was Judi Dench (an actor I really like). Even Donald Sutherland (as Mr. Bennet) mumbled more than he had lines (and Mr. Bennet had some wonderfully witty things to say). The actor who played Mr. Darcy looked more sulky than proud. He really didn't capture the Mr. Darcy role. I like Keira Knightly, she was good in Pirates of the Carribean and Love Actually, but I think she was in over her head trying Jane Austin.

With that said, collect a good cup of tea, your cross stitch and watch this version.

I just looked back over my post. Wow. I'll go take my Crank-B-Gone pills now. I'm really not this cranky... I woke up 2 hours early this morning and it shows!