I'm really bad about remembering to answer these, but since part of this week's question set was requested by yours truly, I figured that this is as good of time as any to start. Here goes...
The first request comes from Vash
who is requesting pictures ofthe back of your stitching… are you brave enough to give this one a shot?Great question, Vash!
I really don't give the back of my work a lot of thought, other than making sure that tails are securely fastened, the working thread hasn't knotted up, etc. I'm a very methodical stitcher, and a big part of why I enjoy cross stitching is the challenge of plotting out the most efficient path with a the particular color I'm currently using. I can sit for maybe 10 minutes before actually making a stitc, just deciding which color to start with, which path of stitches to take, etc.
Now, you must realize, the basis for all of this plotting and scheming isn't because I'm some fantastic scientific mind. (Well. OK. I
am, but that's not the point I'm making ;o) It's to make future stitching easier to do in relation to stitches I've already completed which (hopefully) will minimize ripping out. I can be incredibly lazy and taking some extra time to make my stitching easier is for me!
The Front...

And the Back...
The second request comes from Singular Stitches (me!), and she is asking for "a pictorial tour of the special place that you go to create your
wonderful stitched creations."In my previous post, I introduced you to my Craftatorioum. That’s where I sew, bead, scrapbook and rubber stamp - my messier crafty pursuits. When I cross stitch and knit, I prefer the feminine setting of the Ladies’ Parlour.
When we were furniture shopping for our new home, I knew that the living room would be my stitching room, and of course, DH (in his infinite cleverness) dubbed my stitching room the
Ladies’ Parlour. To live up to such a name, I decided on a more Victorian décor.

I don’t have great flair for interior decoration, but I try to make my rooms comfortable and inviting. I also don’t like to decorate with a lot of accessories, but those that I do have meaning to me. For example, the picture that hangs above my couch used to hang over my parents’ fireplace in the living room since I was very young. In the winter, I would lie on the floor in front of the heat register in the living room and just look up at the picture coming up with possible story lines and looking around the picture to see if I could see something new that I haven’t seen before. My parents gave me that picture as a Christmas gift the first year we were in our home. It’s very sentimental.
Usually, when I decide to sit on the couch to stitch, Abner perches on the couch arm and Itchey either curls up on the top of the back of the couch directly behind me, or she sits on my lap. And, to further accommodate Itchey (the only one with front claws), notice the scratching post.

The above is my absolute favorite place to sit and stitch. This chair and ottoman were chosen for the sole purpose of comfortable stitching with room for the puddies to observe. On, the subject of the kitties, from this vantage, you can see the front windows. The table in front of the window was placed there so that they can sit in the front windows in warm weather with the windows open. They do their little head bobbing thing when they sniff the air, and I’m always hearing someone comment on 'the cute kitties' in the window as people pass the house on their walks.
It’s interesting how things work out. Both of the end tables in my Ladies’ Parlour are actually sewing cabinets. They were just extra furniture that MIL didn't want any more, so I took them. The one by the couch could actually house a sewing machine and the other is made for holding sewing accessories. Perfect for a seamstress.
Have you seen those ‘safe place’ placards stores put in their windows so kids can go there as a safe place if they’re in trouble? My Ladies’ Parlour is considered a ‘safe place’ for moms. My crafty mom friends love to gather at my house because it’s a certified ‘kid-free zone’, where they can listen to classical music and sip tea (or something a little stronger) while they craft in peace.
It is funny, because DH has
Microsoft Flight Simulator on his computer in his office directly above my room. When I have my crafty-girly gatherings, he hides upstairs and sometimes plays his flight simulator. When they first heard the noise, they were really confused, but now when they hear it, they just ask, “Where’s he flying tonight?”