This past weekend was a Stitch-a-Thon weekend at the Robin's Nest. I did get some progress done on Fairy Flora. And I don't know how we managed it, but the weather was gorgeous the entire weekend, so I was able to get in some end-of-summer deck stitching!
did get Dark Shadows on Friday (and watched all ten episodes Friday evening)! The two other movies we watched this weekend,
Marilyn Hotchkiss Ballroom Dancing & Charm School and
Ladies in Lavender, were quite good as well.

I would have completed more on Flora had it not been for this insatiable urge to start a sock. A plain sock. No fancy stitches, no lace, just miles and miles of knit stitches. I just love the colors of this yarn. It reminds me of really soft, faded jeans. They yarn I'm using is a mostly cotton blend, so they should really be comfortable.
I'm also back onto forward progress on my Mum's lace scarf. (yay!) This time around it looks much, much better, and worthy of being a present for Mum.
Note to the knitters: I found great stitch markers for thin yarn. I was using markers I had made with jump rings, but the lace yarn kept sliding through the part of the ring where the ends of the metal meet. I needed a continuous stitch marker, but something light. I saw these and went to Home Depot. In the plumbing section, I found rubber O-rings that work fabulously! (You can see the little black rings at the top of the scarf if you look closely)
This probably falls under Cat TMI, but other cat Mums out there can surely relate. Early this morning, I was woken up by the 'hair ball' sound. Itchey was in the upstairs hallway doing her thing. Over the years, that sound has been etched into memory, so as soon as I hear it (and it can wake me out of sound sleep), I spring into action. I was able to get her into the guest bathroom (tile floor is much easier to clean than carpet) and she stopped. We stood there for a couple seconds, so I thought she changed her mind. She went out into the hallway and brought it right up onto the carpet. Cats!
The Diversity workshop this weekend wasn't too bad. We had this energetic man from Nigeria teach the class, and he was an absolute hoot! He made the hours we had to sit through class enjoyable. Before the class, they had food catered in (hotdogs, hamburgers, potato salad, corn on the cob and baked beans with cookies and fruit for dessert. It was actually quite good! (And, no, I didn't get a chance to knit during class, but that was OK. I
did win a diversity T-shirt for class participation)