The meme of fours...
Four Jobs I Have Had in My Life:
1 - Marketing Engineer (What I do now. I slice and dice monthly order activity for our control systems. I'm like a bean counter pharmacist with one of those cool knives they use to move around the beans)
2 - Quality Engineer (I oversaw our inline inspectors on the manufacturing floor. They inspected printed circuit boards we manufactured to go into our control systems)
3 - Instructor (I taught engineers and operators in power plants and water wastewater plants how to use the control system my company designs and sells to run their plant)
4 - Mary Kay Consultant (I still do this. A great way to be non-technical, make some money and get makeup at wholesale!)
Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over Again:
1 - Love Actually
2 - Napoleon Dynamite
3 - Steel Magnolias
4 - Pride and Predjudice (The A&E version - Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle)
Four Places I Have Lived:
1 - Pennsylvania
2 - Pennsylvania
3 - Pennsylvania
4 - Pennsylvania (How exciting!)
Four TV Shows I Love to Watch:
1 - Midsomer Murders
2 - Americas Castles
3 - Sherlock Holmes
4 - The Weather Channel
Four Places I Have Been on Vacation:
1 - Las Vegas, Nevada
2 - Negril, Jamaica
3 - Shangai, China (actually business, but I had time to sightsee)
4 - Virginia Beach, Virginia
Four Websites I Visit Daily:
1 - My Bloglines Feeds
2 - The Animal Rescue Site
3 - The Weather Channel
4 - EZboards
Four of My Favorite Foods:
1 - Sushi (this could actually be all four!)
2 - Fillet Mignon
3 - Good cup of tea and a scone
4 - Pecan Pie
Four Albums I Can't Live Without:
1 - The Best of New Order - New Order
2 - Paint the Sky with Stars - Enya
3 - Staring at the Sea: The Singles - The Cure
4 - Pop! 20 Hits - Erasure
Four Places I'd Rather Be:
1 - At home with DH and the kitties
2 - Charlotte, North Carolina
3 - San Diego, California
4 - An alternate reality where I was independently wealthy