Thrice bitten...
When we bought our house, we were moving from an apartment into our first home, and we needed furniture. We were so naively excited about furniture shopping back then...
Among what we bought were diningroom and bedroom sets. (Cue scary music)
We had a number of issues with the chairs and buffet of the dining room set. After iterations of deliveries with replacement chairs and buffets, we finally told them that we were ready to just send the entire set back. They asked us if we'd be willing to go to their warehouse so we could pick out pieces that were acceptable to us. We did, and that adventure had a happy ending.
During all this, we were going through the same thing with the bedroom furniture. There were problems with peeling veneer, uneven stain, and even wood that was cut crookedly. With each replacement delivery, it seemed like the defects were worse. We found out later that the line had been discontinued, so we must have received left overs. The entire set went back.
We decided to look at higher-end bedroom furniture, and even though we didn't find a set we liked enough to pay a small fortune for, DH did find furniture for his computer room. That went back, too. As the delivery guys were driving the furniture back to the showroom, we were on the phone with the manager for a refund and actually had to argue with her because their brand could never be that poor quality. We did get a very humble call from her after it arrived (and a full refund), because it was that bad! We never did find a bedroom set.
Even though it was frustrating, and took longer that we'd hoped, in the end, things did work out. And we're really happy with how things have worked out. I was dead set about having matching furniture for each room, but have really come to enjoy the look of putting a room together with unmatching but coordinating pieces. And aside from the great prices, it means a lot to us to have furniture that relatives, who lived before our time, used and loved.
Our two (new) dressers are at my parents', where my Dad is going to redo them for us. (I can't imagine how many running pants I'll owe him now!) The kitties took to the chair right away, and when one would get all comfy, the other one would stage a koo and overthrow...

See the one eyeball peering around the arm? :o)
I was allowed to sit in it briefly, but, of course, Abner had to be on my lap. And my balance ball on the right is my footrest until I decide what I want to do for one.
I did get to some crafty pursuits this weekend. I started my Mum's lace scarf. (I gave up trying to hold it flat with one hand) It's been slow going (since I had to frog and restart many times), but I'm really enjoying it. And go figure my logic, working gray lace on gray wonder it's going slowly!

And some more done on Wendy's RR: